Finding The Right Professional Photographer In Raleigh NC Is Not As Easy As You Think When Searching Online
This post applies to anything that you are searching for on the internet not just a professional photographer. It should help you become better at finding what you need when using online search by getting more specific with the way you search.
When searching for a professional photographer on the internet, you’ll likely find that even in Google that the results return various types of photographers which will likely make it difficult to figure out if the photographer truly specializes in what you are needing For example, when doing a search for “Professional Photographer Raleigh NC,” the results in the Top 10 organically (not the ads) currently return the following types of photographers:
These are in no particular order: 1) Two Directories of Photographers: Thumbtack and Yellow Pages which really doesn’t help narrow the search 2) Family and Child Photographer 3) Boudoir, Glamour, Headshots, Commercial 4) Brides, Seniors, Weddings, Composites 5) Weddings, Family, Children, Pets 6) Engagements, Bridal, Food, Architecture 7) People, Product, Industrial, Corporate … In addition, I am also currently included in the results.
As you can see above by searching for “Professional Photographer Raleigh NC,” there is a a wide variety. Google doesn’t really know what you are searching for either, so narrowing your search may be a better way to find what you are looking for.
Let’s see what happens when getting real specific with the search phrase “Corporate Event Photographer Raleigh NC” which I am sure you will agree really narrows it down. That search phrase definitely narrows it down to most of the results being what the search phrase is about; however, there is still a directory in there as well as a wedding photographer or two. You will likely get better search results for what you are truly searching for by searching a longer more specific phrase like: “Corporate Event Photographer Raleigh NC.”
It’s interesting when trying the same two searches on Bing that “Professional Photographer Raleigh NC” has several in its Top 10 that are different than Google, so when comparing Google and Bing results for the same phrase, you will likely have 15 different websites to choose from. However, on “Corporate Event Photographer Raleigh NC” the results are a lot closer to what Google returns. Google and Bing will likely always vary some because they are different companies using different search algorithms. is another resource online to search for PHOTOGRAPHERS. As you likely know, YELP provides reviews if the photographer has any. Some people really go by what the reviews say when making a decision to call a photographer. I know because I get business from YELP. You can find my Yelp information here.
When searching “Corporate Photographers” in YElP, there is currently a restaurant in the #1 spot which I reported to YELP since that doesn’t help someone searching for “Corporate Photographers.” They replied and thanked me for helping make YELP better. It will be interesting to see how long it takes to get that corrected. When you search generically in YELP, you will also get a wide variety of results, so just like Google and Bing, you should get more specific about what you are searching for.
About Me (Pictured on Right Sidebar)
If you landed on this page because you were searching generically for a photographer or you may have even ended up here because one of the words that I mentioned from the search results caused this page to rank by default, let me clarify what I do (FYI, I have a network of photographers that I refer business to for areas that I don’t focus on.):
David’s Photography Services Pages…
Corporate & Charity Events
Fashion & Glamour
Various Galleries Including Street Photography
Professionals Package: Attorney, Doctor, Consultant, etc.
Photography for Websites
David’s Video Services Pages…
Custom Corporate Location Videos: 1/2 Day, Full Day & Multi-Day Shoots
Small & Micro Business Videos: In Studio or 2 Hours Maximum on Location
David Williams
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