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Profoto – YouTube: What’s the Difference Between Ambient Light and On-Camera Flash?

Even if you don't shoot with Profoto gear, you can still get some nice tips from watching their short videos. This one is another great video from the Profoto Videos on YouTube that is less than 3 minutes. The short summary is underexpose the daylight to no blow out the sky and use a strobe/speedlite to fill in the subject.

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David Williams

Short Bio About The Author: I'm David Williams a professional commercial photographer focusing on corporate and business clients with some personal branding, lifestyle photography in the mix. My love for photography began in late 1981 while still in High School. I started making money with his camera in 1982. Brenda, my wife, and I started working together in photography in 1988 shortly after we met. Brenda and I married in 1989 and have two adult daughters. Please be sure to get a quote for services if needed. Call or Text: 919.723.8453. Please reach out to connect with me on LinkedIn.